The search field uses a full word search to identify and return exact matches to product name, manufacturer name, or product code (i.e., manufacturer part number).
Verify that words are entered in the search field exactly as intended
The word search will only return exact matches for the criteria specified. It will not return results for the plural or singular version of the specified text or any other variation of the word. For example, search for “peanut” will not return results for SDS with “peanuts” in the product name. To see results for both terms, enter both “peanut” and “peanuts” in the search field separated by a space.
To search by the exact phrase entered type the entire phrase within parentheses (i.e., “Clorox Bleach”) to return results for SDS only with product names or manufacturer names matching the exact phrase.
Use the operator “+” between search terms entered in the search field to limit results to those containing all words searched
To narrow results and only return SDS matching all words entered in the search field use the “+” operator between search terms. For example, Clorox+Bleach will return only SDS with both Clorox AND Bleach in the product name or manufacturer name (i.e., product name contains “Bleach” and Manufacturer name contains “Clorox”).
Use the operator “-” following the “+” operator to eliminate results containing certain words
To eliminate results containing certain words when searching for an SDS use the “-” operator following “+” between search terms. For example, Clorox+-Bleach will return results for Bleach products that are not manufactured by Clorox. Alternately, searching for Clorox -Bleach with a space in place of “+” will return results for Clorox AND anything that is not Bleach.
Searching for Product Codes
To search for a product code value (i.e., manufacturer part number), enter the number exactly as the manufacturer specifies in the search box. Keep in mind dashes and spaces will change the matches returned in the results. For example, 80057 will return different results than 800-57 or 800 57.